The Falling Creek Elementary PTA is associated with the Chesterfield County Council of PTAs. All parents, faculty and staff members, and interested community members are encouraged to join for the membership fee of $10.00 per person.
Our goal for the upcoming school year is to increase our Parent Membership. We would like to have a minimum of 50% parent enrollment from each classroom. Help us meet our goal while supporting our students and teachers.
The FCES PTA holds and sponsors many activities and fundraisers throughout the school year. Activities are designed to involve all families within our community. Information about our events will be sent home with your child as well as posted on the school website calendar. You can also “Like” us on Facebook Falling Creek Elementary PTA for updates.
We have several vacant PTA Board positions, and would love to have you be a part of our board. Please send a note to your child’s teacher stating your interest.
Janlair Robertson, President
Vacant, 1st Vice President, Membership
Vacant, 2nd Vice President, Fundraiser
Vacant, Secretary
Vacant, Treasurer